Corangamite Building Industries Group

local tradesmen live by their reputations

Why Use Local Tradies?

* We live locally
* We employ locals
* We buy local products
* We support our local community
* We understand the climate

For the fourth year running we've seen local builders and other tradespeople get a smaller slice of the pie compared to volume builders.

Our latest statistics show that volume builders now have 72 per cent of the local market for new houses, whereas in 2006 this figure was 46 per cent.

The construction sector represent approximately 500 jobs in the Corangamite Shire. Our local tradies are a vital fabric, many of them volunteer and put back into the community via sponsorship or sourcing materials locally.

There is a concern that if the market share for local tradies keeps dropping, then we are going to see negative impacts and potential job losses.

Local business